Booker Cries Out for GND to Save a ‘Nation in Peril’, Let’s Go to the Moon!


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We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast.

~ Alexandria OMao-Cortez

Democratic [Socialist] Sen. Cory ‘Spartacus’ Booker compared adopting the ludicrous Green New Deal (GDN) with fighting the Nazi regime.

We aren’t making fun of him calling him Spartacus since he said his Spartacus moment was his finest moment.

“Our planet is in peril, and we need to be bold,” Booker said at a Friday campaign event in Iowa. There are a lot of people who are critical of the deal. Critics claim “it’s too impractical, and it’s too expensive.”

“And when the planet has been in peril in the past, who came forward to save Earth … from the scourge of Nazis and totalitarian regimes?” Booker asked rhetorically. “We came forward.”


He mocks the naysayers of the [insane] Green New Deal who say it’s “impractical” or “it’s too expensive.” Spartacus, the drama queen, says, “if we used to govern our dreams that way, we would never have gone to the moon.”

We “need to be bold again” and “push the bounds of human potential because that is our history,” he says.

Retrofitting or rebuilding every structure in the USA in ten years, at the rate of more than 39,000 a day, is pushing the bounds for him. That is in the Green New Deal. Worrying about cow farts and going to net-zero is like a ship to the moon, he says.

Many of us do not share this dream and don’t want to be mandated by GND totalitarians.

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