CAIR Calls for FBI to Investigate Broken A/C as a Possible Hate Crime


CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land terrorist trial, is a designated terror group in the UAE. They tend to see Islamophobia in everything they do and apparently that goes for broken air conditioners.

In two press releases, they called for the FBI to probe a possible motive for vandalism at the Manassas, Virginia mosque. Someone allegedly severed some pipes. Now there’s a case for the FBI right there.

What else does the FBI have to do?

Normally, Americans call the police on vandalism cases.

The mosque was opened a year ago and they claim people drive by and yell slurs, telling them to “go back home.”

“Because of the effort required to sever the air conditioning lines, the history of previous incidents targeting the mosque and the rise in anti-Muslim incidents nationwide, we believe it is essential that law enforcement authorities investigate a possible bias motive for this vandalism,” said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.

Hate crimes against Jews, Muslims and LGBTs have risen.  There were 6,100 reported incidents of hate crimes in 2016, up from more than 5,800 the year before, the FBI reported.

There were, however, only 1,538 religious hate crimes. That is in a country of more than 330 million with crimes being labeled as hate crimes over broken air conditioners and dopes yelling out windows — if it’s even true. Of those crimes, 54% were against Jews. Only 230 of these crimes were against Muslims.

There are also crimes of bias motives without incident, whatever that means.

CAIR, an Islamic civil liberties advocacy group, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Texas. Officials from the Holy Land Foundation were later found guilty of diverting funds to Hamas, which has led some American lawmakers to refer to CAIR as a terrorist organization.

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