Chelsea Clinton Wins a “Lifetime Impact” Award Because She’s Powerful for Doing Nothing


What hell am I now living in when a don-nothing is recognized as a woman to look up to as inspirational? It used to be people like Mother Theresa and Harriet Tubman. Chelsea Clinton, a holder of lucrative patronage jobs and author of a left-wing children’s books, is receiving a “Lifetime Impact Honoree” award for her commitment to humanitarian work, along with several others.

Variety Magazine and Lifetime TV Network are presenting her with the award at its annual women’s power luncheon next month.

Variety announced, “At the heart of New York City is a vibrant community of strong women in entertainment, media, and politics whose commitment to philanthropy is inspirational. We are delighted to be celebrating these women along with the women profiled in our annual New York Women’s Impact List with our partners at Lifetime.”

This is even more fun than Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize which was given to him for not being George W. Bush.

She’s obviously being propped up with phony awards to prepare us for her inevitable run for office. Are the Clinton’s truly the future of the Democrat Party?

Another free media pass because her last name is Clinton.

The award is for her work in her field. What is her field? Oh, right, it’s doing nothing.

Past honorees have fought child sex trafficking and helped the homeless and marginalized. Chelsea chairs the money laundering Clinton Foundation which keeps the Clintons rich and powerful. It also funds charity in a small way but it’s mostly the Clinton nest egg.

She authors, reportedly ghost-written, childrens’ books that no one will buy like, She Persisted. She is a member of various boards – no-show jobs.

Her sarcastic and left-wing tweets are another achievement along with her birthright as the Clinton daughter.

It just proves the Variety and Lifetime Awards are pathetic.

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