Dem Senator Suggests Conservative Sites to Be Purged to Save the ‘Democracy’


Leftist Senator Chris Murphy tweeted, “Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it.”

He is talking about conservative websites, not Sarah Jeong who hates whites, cops and President Trump. Jeong was just hired to sit on the NY Times editorial board.

Did you know that if leftists say your speech is ‘hate’ speech, they can remove you from the Internet? Hate speech is any political speech or any speech they disagree with. That appears to be what is going on.

While the private companies can do as they please, they have enormous power, more than the government in some respects. This needs to be addressed. Break them up.

Think about this, a sitting senator said this is the beginning. He’s saving “our democracy” [we’re a Republic] and this elitist is showing signs of being a Stalinist.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted: “A Democrat Senator openly admitting that Big Tech’s censorship campaign is really about purging all conservative media. How long before Big Tech and their Democrat friends move to censor and purge , and other conservatives voices from their platforms?”


Infowars is being targeted by all the tech giants who are removing the Alex Jones site from their platforms. MMFA is now aiming their wrath at Periscope for continuing to host the website.

On Monday Facebook permanently banned the Infowars page.

Since Sunday, YouTube, Apple’s iTunes, Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Facebook have banned Jones for violating their content policies. Twitter and Periscope, however, have not taken action against Jones.

Mail Chimp has banned their email. The left is hitting at the infrastructure that funds the Alex Jones channel.


Twitter is suspending Libertarians. They’re anti-war, so what’s the problem? They are also fairly liberal.

Zerohedge reports that on Monday, Twitter suspended the editorial director of Scott Horton, former State Department employee Peter Van Buren, and Dan McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute.

Vox just joined in.

The Democrats are morphing into Stalinists before our eyes.

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