Democrats Are Pushing Conspiracy Theories, Calling This Our 9/11 Moment


What would a day be without hysterical Democrats imploding and a new conspiracy theory being waved around the media like raw meat in front of rabid dogs?

The attacks from the leftists are growing worse, absurdly so. Rep. Joe Kennedy III and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen are demanding the translators present during the Trump-Putin summit be summoned before Congress to report on everything that was discussed between the two leaders.


Make no mistake. This isn’t simply about hating Trump. It’s about hating traditional Americans. They hate his supporters and all they stand for. Traditional Americans can go to H*ll and take the Constitution with them.

It’s probably an ethical violation for the translator to report their conversation but that won’t stop the Democrats. The new conspiracy theory they are pushing is President Trump shared secrets with Russian President Putin.

Fake Vietnam hero Sen. Blumenthal is calling it a 9/11 emergency, claiming we are under attack. It’s absurd. He wants the translators and the security team who debriefed the President ordered to come before Congress. He also wants more sanctions against Russia but didn’t specify why.

The President is trying to end what is quickly becoming a second Cold War and these Democrats and NeverTrumpers want a war apparently. They certainly won’t allow the President to be successful on anything. Democrats are obstructionists.


Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) also wants to talk to the only other American in the room, the translator Marina Gross. The Democrats smell blood in the water and they are on a fishing expedition. It’s more of the abusive character assassination they have engaged in regularly against the President. Today’s Democrats are behaving very badly.

There are riots in Chicago over a legitimate police shooting and no one mentions that the Revolutionary Communist Party is behind it. It’s what the Democrats want to happen.

Look at who the “future of the Democrat Party” is — a Communist know-nothing — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

This is our future USA and the only person standing between the people and our “future” is our imperfect President.

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