DoJ/FBI Flouts Congress, Rep. DeSantis Talks About Throwing Them in Jail


Congress has constitutional powers to oversee the DoJ and the FBI but in order to do so, they need the documents on the cases they are investigating. The DoJ and the FBI have flatly refused to provide any of those documents after stonewalling for months.

Rep. Ron De Santis was asked by Lou Dobbs what he plans to do now that the DoJ and FBI have failed to turn over requested documents by the deadline which was today.

The representative said that Congress must exert its authority and file contempt of court charges. He is also talking jail.

“I think what we have to do is use Congress’s inherent contempt authority that was done for 175 years,” De Santis said. “You have to bring them into Congress. You have a vote on the contempt and then you detain them. Just as if you were in contempt of court, the judge would detain you. And they’re detained until they comply. And here is what I predict, if they were put in the House jail for contempt of Congress we’d have the documents within 24 hours.”

De Santis believes the DoJ and the FBI are worried the truth will come out.

Listen to the video via Lou Dobbs Tonight.

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