Dr Gorka’s Ominous Warning: Deep State Is in Control of the White House


President Trump has been stymied, not only by Democrats, but by Republicans who refuse to implement the agenda he ran on. The media and the Democrats will oppose him no matter what he does, but perhaps Republicans will consider working on Obamacare, tax reform and some other reforms. However, if he aligns with the Deep State, he will not keep his supporters no matter whose fault it was originally.

However, not supporting Trump is a betrayal of the United States, because the alternative is socialism or communism. That’s what Democrats and some Republicans are offering.

Dr, Gorka says the Deep State is in charge of the White House.

In National Security Council meetings, Dr. Gorka sat with the highest ranking members of the Executive Agencies and not one person ever mentions the president or his objectives or his statements overseas.

“I’ve mentioned this before but it bears reiteration here. I wasn’t a member of NSC but because of the projects I was working on, I went to frequent meetings of the NSC, on issues to do with Qatar, Syria, ISIS, what have you.

When you sit in a meeting on the National Security Council, which is the highest decision-making body on policy in the United States government, and you sit there for an hour and a half, with every high-ranking representative of the administration, whether it’s State Department, DoD, CIA, NSA, and you listen to a discussion for more than an hour, and not one person in the room or on the outstations on the videoteleconference, ever mentions the name of the President, what his objectives are, or what he said yesterday in Riyadh or Warsaw or in front of the joint session of Congress, we have a very serious problem.”

Because they are there not to serve their own understanding of what the nation needs, but to serve the vision of the new CEO, if you will.”

Contrary to our assumptions, President Trump is not in charge in the White House, according to Dr. Gorka. Gorka couldn’t even get three of his choices for aides hired, qualified people he had a history with were all not only denied, but punished for being considered. Gorka reports:

“When I came on board to work for Steve Bannon as a strategist to the President, I wanted to bring over some of my former students to work with us in the White House who were already in government, who had graduated years ago and were members of the intelligence community. And I identified the three best individuals, and requested as a deputy assistant to the President, that these people be detailed over to me at the White House to work on key projects of importance to Steve and the President.

In the six months I was in office, not one of those people were detailed over to me, from an unnamed sister agency. And I found out, not only did the sister agency stop their detailing, every single individual was taken off their current duty roster and punished and put into menial tasks outside of the real national security raiment through no fault of their own. Why? Because the seventh-floor of that agency, to quote a senior individual, ‘Looks at the White House as the enemy.’”

Watch and decide:

The President is surrounded by left-leaning and Democrat White House staff. McMaster, for one, has fired all supporters of the Trump agenda and kept Obama’s staff.

The DoJ is not pursuing the Deep State and, in fact, Congress and watchdogs like Judicial Watch are having an equally difficult time getting any data as they did under Obama. They have to sue on every FOIA request.

DACA is rearing its ugly head and Wall Streeters have filled the highest levels of the administration.

The wars continue, Obamacare is not repealed, spending continues unabated, tax reform will be delayed, and the debt ceiling might soon be eliminated.

Most believe the President is firing a shot across the bow of Republicans by working with Democrats to get them moving but McConnell is implacable over the fake filibuster rule [passing legislation with a majority of 51 votes] and Ryan continuously betrays the President to his left-wing enemies.

We don’t know how this will turn out but it’s very concerning.

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