Facebook Wants Your Nude Photos to “Tackle Revenge Porn”


You won’t believe this next one. Facebook is calling for users to send in their “nude photos to tackle revenge porn.” The well-intentioned effort is to “give some control back to victims of this type of abuse.”

Uhh…maybe a better choice would be to have the vindictive criminals charged and the victims receive therapy?

Individuals who have shared intimate, nude or sexual images with partners and are worried that the partner (or ex-partner) might distribute them without their consent can use Messenger to send the images to be “hashed”. This means that the company converts the image into a unique digital fingerprint that can be used to identify and block any attempts to re-upload that same image.

As the guardian notes should you find yourself surrounded by crocodiles, nothing says “I control my own destiny!” like hacking off your own arm with a Facebook-branded axe and offering your meat to the fangs of flesh-eating lizards with a “Here you go, lads!” and a can-do attitude.

Maybe we should cc pornhub and get a jump on it.

What works in the idea rooms often clashes with reality.

Is it likely that women who are abused by their intimate photos ending up online will be empowered by sharing more with some anonymous people in Facebook? They trust all those people?

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