Fascists at Evergreen College Demand Professor Be Fired for Teaching While White


A Progressive professor Bret Weinstein at Evergreen State College in Olympia Washington is being assailed by his students for not participating in a lengthy no-whites protest. They want him to resign or be fired for his stand.

A mob of about fifty kids ended up in his class and demanded he be fired because they think he’s a racist for teaching students as a white professor.

Someone called the police but the protesters blocked them from entering. They did get in to check on him. The students then went to the president’s office and demanded concessions. One concession was a meeting, crazier than the one on this first video.

The president of the college George Bridges is answering the rioters demands and they will commit violence if he doesn’t respond. He has told campus police to stand down.

The president is barricaded in with the students.

The reason the mob wants Weinstein fired is because the professor said people shouldn’t be kept from speaking for the color of their skin. The mob is calling that racist.

The president is agreeing to employ students to examine the school’s code of conduct, give students more say in faculty evaluations, and require mandatory training of faculty on student engagement, anti-black racism, sexual assault, police brutality, and collaboration with transgender and queer students.

He told the students that the college police department would not work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to track illegal alien students. When another student questioned Weinstein’s university employment, Bridges refused to comment.

Evergreen is a hotbed of leftist extremism and a college mill.

Professor Weinstein is teaching off campus for his safety and that of his students. It’s the very Progressivism he espouses that is at the core of the problem.

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