Former Israel Official Says Their Wall Brought Illegal Immigration to ZERO! TAKE THE WALL POLL!


Take the poll at the end. We would love to know if you think the President will get his wall.

David Rubin, the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, told Tucker Carlson on his show last night that walls do work, they worked in Israel, and it’s time to build one along the United States border.

Israelis are thrilled with their wall, even those on the left who were opposed to a wall originally. Israel went from 55,000 illegals in a year, a lot for a tiny country, to zero in 2017. No one is getting past that wall.

At one point, they raised the height of the wall.

The push for the wall was grassroots. People in Tel Aviv were getting too many criminals and too much crime in from Africa.

“Everybody is happy that we don’t have illegal immigration in Israel,” Rubin told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Rubin slammed dopes like O-Cortez who call walls racist.

“It’s an obscene comparison I’ve heard too many times from the left,” said Rubin, the author of “Trump and the Jews.”Some of the Israeli left were complaining and even accusing the Israeli government of racism, but now, nobody is complaining. Everybody is happy that we don’t have illegal immigration.”

He’s telling us the obvious to everyone but the leftist ideologues.

Hillary must be racist!

If we are racists for wanting a wall, then so is Hillary Clinton.

There are those leftists who can convince us that open borders are great. They have these creative ways to convince us. Look at this clip, and tell us if you are convinced.


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