Fox News Veteran Gives the Inside Scoop on Fox as He Forms His Own News Service


Ken LaCorte

An 18-year Fox News veteran named Ken LaCorte has taken over a subreddit thread of 3 million people and has already built an editorial team in preparation for a new fair and balanced news service. It sounds exciting.

Halfway down in the article, you can read a summary of the inside scoop of what is going on at Fox. you won’t be surprised, disappointed maybe, but not surprised.

Mr. LaCorte, who held prestigious positions at Fox News, was fired by Rupert Murdoch in December and he believes it was because he was close to Roger Ailes.

His new site is called LaCorte News. They are looking for editors, moderators, and even just regular posters and they are raising money.

Mr. LaCorte became very concerned as he watched the media take sides in the election. He says they have moved left it has grown worse since the election. He wants to produce news stories that present different perspectives but which are well-researched and factual.

It will be interactive and responsive to readers. Well-presented opinions are welcomed but they are obviously not looking for trolls. There will be professional videos as well.

The website under construction can be found on this link and they have the bare beginnings of a Facebook and Twitter page.

The Inside Story at Fox News

On the 28th of April, he wrote a very interesting article for Mediaite about what is actually going on inside Fox.

In it, he talks about Roger Ailes and O’Reilly’s pluses and minuses as well as the suspiciously large payouts to women.

Here is a summary of some of the highlights:

Certainly, no one reading Gretchen Carlson’s claims against Ailes – even if you believe every word of it – would think the case was worth anywhere near $20 million.

He points out that as for the claims against O’Reilly, they are 6 to 15 years old and some of them are sketchy. For example, Laurie Dhue made her claims after having left the station 8 years before and never mentioning the allegations while she was at the network. They actually gave her over a million dollars to settle when most companies would have laughed her out of the studio.

Mr. LaCorte mentions that O’Reilly could be a real jerk but people appreciated his success in which they all shared. Putting up with his “prickly ways” was a “small price to pay”, he says.

As for what’s going on, he said no one actually knows because “everyone involved got some cash and were contractually forbidden from talking”. He does suggest what we’ve all heard, that conservatives are getting kicked to the street one by one and one day Fox will become CNN.

One very interesting tidbit concerned Mr. LaCorte’s comments about The New York Times story that led to O’Reilly’s firing. The “exhaustive story” was so complete that one would think “its reporters had access to Fox’s inside files, assuming they didn’t,” he wrote.

That’s what many of us suspect. Are the Murdoch boys in on the whole Fox-needs-to-clean-up-their-act routine that is being played out in the media? It’s all so convenient.

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