Hillary Plays Norma Desmond at Medger Evers College Commencement


Speaking at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Thursday, not far from her presidential campaign headquarters, Hillary Clinton sounded like a 2020 presidential candidate, if only a deluded one. She needs to take her unicorn and ride home.

A sorry recreation of Norma Desmond, she clings to her lost stardom and heads for the stage for all to watch as she melts down.

Hillary Clinton goes from college commencement to college commencement needling Trump and replaying the same old tired lines as if she were a political candidate.

At Medger Evers, she called out to a Yemeni immigrant who worked his way through school and graduating with honors while blasting the temporary travel ban.

The travel ban isn’t meant to keep the Yemeni immigrant from working his way through a U.S. school, it’s meant to protect Americans, the first obligation of a President.

During her speech, she drummed up imaginary escalation of white supremacist hate, referring to the Portland attack by a white supremacist on Good Samaritans, but, ever the liar, she failed to mention that the crazed killer voted for Bernie and hated Donald Trump.

Clinton, decried the emboldening of white supremacists and a recent “surge in hate crimes across our country.” What surge of hate crimes by whites?

She failed to notice the terrorist attacks throughout the West.

“This showed us the best and the worst of humanity among us,” she said. “We all — not just our nation’s leaders, but all of us — must recommit ourselves to the urgent work of protecting the safety and civil rights of all our people.”

How do we do that without a decent vetting system, while ignoring the Visigoths at the gate?

She didn’t mention all the reasons she lost the race, but she did whine.

I wish I had flown in from the White House,” she told graduates who really care about their own futures. “But I’m just as happy to be here anyway.”

She blabbered about diversity and how great Medger Evers was, telling the student body to stand up against hate, she being the biggest promoter of it.

“Never let anyone silence your voices,” she said. “Make your voices heard every single day. And when they even try to dismiss your lived experiences, maybe they’ll call it ‘identity politics,’ stand up and say your identity is as important and valuable as the identity of anybody else who lives in the United States of America.”

Over and over she alluded to the man who defeated her for the presidency when all the chips were in her corner, had she been anything but a sorry candidate.

Playing her identity politics, she called the graduates she doesn’t know an “inspiring group.” “You come from 94 countries, speak 44 languages. You embody what makes New York and America great already.”

Then she whined again.

“Oh, I’ve had a few setbacks in my own life, and losing an election is pretty devastating, especially considering who I lost to,” she said to roaring applause. “But even that pales in comparison to what Myrlie went through, and frankly what a lot of people go through every day.”

Hillary Clinton won’t let go of the ghost. She’s melting before our eyes. She won’t be the 2020 candidate but that’s not clear to her.

Here is the full list of all the people she blamed for her loss. Notice her server, Foundation, and myriad lies are not on the list.:

James Comey
Vlad Putin
Anti-American forces
low information voters
everyone who assumed she’d win
bad polling numbers
Obama for winning two terms
people wanting change
suburban women
NY Times
TV executives
Cable news
Democrats not making the right documemtaries
Fake news
Content farms in Macdeonia
The Republican Party
The Democrat Party
the DNC
her aides
Trump’s campaign

Maybe life will take pity on Hillary Clinton as she strolls down Sunset Boulevard.

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