Illegal Alien Demands Change in Pledge to Indigenous, Immigrant People


An illegal alien Latino leader demands the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance be changed to honor “indigenous and immigrant heritage,” not the flag, according to his op-ed on The Hill.

Just so you know, the far-left counts illegal aliens as “indigenous peoples,” even though they are more likely to be related to conquistadors/

Even as reports about students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky “harassing” the native American were debunked, Cesar Vargas, co-director of the Dream Action Coalition, said it was one of the reasons the pledge should be changed.

Dream Action is a very far-left open borders organization.

“White teenagers harassing a native American elder or chanting ‘build the wall’ at Mexican immigrants are not isolated incidents. Incorporating ‘our indigenous and immigrant heritage’ is our pledge that we will proactively counter the danger that racism breeds,” he wrote in an editorial.

Vargas wrote in an op-ed that he first learned the Pledge of Allegiance in second grade – the year he came to the United States with his mother, in search of a better life. [Now all he wants to do is make us communists because he’s entitled]

“Like that day 30 years ago, today the pledge still does not speak to me or even encourage patriotic introspection,” Vargas wrote, as he claimed that the “pledge’s history is deeply rooted in nativism and white supremacy.”

He’s really not ever going to be a good citizen.

And he’s a racist: Our pledge of allegiance should be rooted in optimism, not stem from the fear of a white native-born Protestant culture. It is time to upgrade our pledge so we can truly recite words that live up to a nation that takes pride in our immigrant heritage and equality of all Americans. 

“I pledge allegiance and love to our indigenous and immigrant heritage, rooted in the United States of America, to our civil rights for which we strive, one voice, one nation, for equality and justice for all.”

By the way, there is no such thing in immigration law as a dreamer.

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