Islamic Radical Linda Sarsour Accused of Supporting Sexual Abuse


Linda Sarsour, self-proclaimed beauty.

Muslim activist, Sharia-supporter, Democratic-Socialist, and Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour bullied an underling to cover up sex-abuse allegations in her Brooklyn office, a report said.

Asmi Fathelbab told The Daily Caller that a man repeatedly rubbed his crotch on her while she worked for Sarsour’s association in 2009.

Fathelbab reported the abuse but so-called feminist Sarsour fat-shamed the woman and threatened blacklist her from political jobs, the woman told the webiste.

“She oversaw an environment unsafe and abusive to women,” said Fathelbab. “Women who put [Sarsour] on a pedestal for women’s rights and empowerment deserve to know how she really treats us.”

The Daily Caller received corroboration from other anonymous sources.

Fathelbab described the abuse from the man. “He would pin me against the wall and rub his crotch on me,” she told the Caller.

“It was disgusting… You have no idea what it was like to stand up and feel that behind you.”

Sarsour called her a “liar” when Fathelbab reported it and told her “something like this didn’t happen to women who looked like me,” Fathelbab charged, clarifying on Twitter that the the rebuff was an insult for her weight.

When Fathelbab went to the president of the Arab American Association’s board of directors, Ahmad Jaber, he said the man is too “god-fearing” to be guilty.

Because she went over Sarsour’s head, the Women’s March leader, threatened to have her blacklisted from New York political and activist circles. She’d never work again, Sarsour told her and she was right. Since that time, she has kept Fathelbab from gaining regular employment.

Does it really surprise anyone that a Sharia-loving radical is accused of abusing women?

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