Kaepernick ‘Sacrifices’ Again Selling T-Shirts to Fund a Marxist Kids Camp


Colin KaeperNIKE “sacrificed everything” while earning millions and as he continues to earn millions. His net worth is about $20 million. He disrespected our anthem, our flag, our military, our police, and our country over ‘oppression’ that he knows nothing about. His ultimate goal is to push the ideology of the hard-left.

He also knows nothing about “sacrificing everything” nor does NIKE apparently.

The Marxist hero just showed his cards. He’s selling conflated T-Shirts boasting of his faux sacrifice to pay for socialist kid camps.

All the money will go to the Know Your Rights camp which will train young Marxist revolutionaries. Go to kaepernick7.com and see what we mean. Their 10-point system isn’t from our Constitution, it’s from a socialist manifesto. The website is replete with socialist lies.

We should mention these are NOT NIKE shirts.


NIKE said they want to join them for social change, therefore, they too are disrespecting our country and those who sacrifice for it. They want to destroy our belief system and substitute their SJW system.

It’s important to realize, however, that black peole have suffered and there are police who have treated them unfairly. It’s mostly the past and the so-called oppressed KaeperNIKE is conflating his faux sacrifice with those who really did sacrifice like our dead and wounded soldiers, and our dead and wounded police officers, firefighters, and first responders.

Kaepernick and NIKE will make a bundle off of Marxist ideology and a massive lie while they distort the meaning of “sacrifice” and love of country for the youth of our nation.

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