Men Who Comment Publicly on a Woman’s Body in France Will Be Fined


The French plan to eliminate “everyday sexism” and are searching for a definition of “sexual outrage” for a new bill to address it. They plan to fine men £80 if they make any comment about a woman’s body or appearance in public.

This law is only for men. Women can say whatever.

The fine will be levied if the man “infringes the freedom of movement of women in public spaces and undermines self-esteem and the right to security”.

It’s possible wolf-whistling will be punishable with on-the-spot fines.

Men who follow women down the street, block their paths or make loud and lewd comments regarding their physique or the way they look will be fined.

The issue is a big problem on public transport in major cities.

Some women complain they are being sexually assaulted in shops, on the metro and on the streets of Paris.

France’s Secretary of State for Equality Marlene Schiappa came up with the idea for the law.

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