Michelle Wolf Utters the Words “God Bless Abortion”


Michelle Wolf celebrated Independence Day joking about killing babies anytime, for any reason, prior to birth. In her Fourth of July salute, she said: “God bless abortions and God bless America”.

Wolf sacrilegiously uttered the words, ‘God Bless Abortion’, celebrating the ending of a life, while pretending it isn’t a life. The left is insisting Roe v. Wade is in danger of being overturned. It’s not but they are hysterical anyway. The Supreme Court doesn’t make law and it can’t be overturned with the hiring of a new Justice.


Wolf is praising abortion to further add to the narrative. She also falsely claimed Trump was responsible for more abortions than the back alley. That lie was first put forth by far-left Democrat operative Jehmu Green.

She’s not very funny but she’s pushing the Hollywood/Netflix agenda. In case you haven’t heard, Netflix is also pushing child porn.

“Look, access to abortion is good and important,” Wolf said. “Some people say abortion is ‘killing a baby.’ It’s not. It’s stopping a baby from happening.”

That’s not actually true, life begins biologically at conception, not birth. But people who celebrate abortion on demand are not big on biology as evidenced by their belief in more than two genders.

She isn’t simply pushing abortion, she’s pushing abortions-on-demand.

It’s like ‘Back to the Future’ and abortion is the DeLorean,” she said during the monologue. “And everyone loves DeLoreans.”

One allegedly funny comment: “If these people were actually pro-life, they would be fighting hard for health care, child care, education, gun control, and protecting the environment.”

The left are the same people who freak out if a hair on an animal’s head is hurt.

“Women, don’t forget, you have the power to give life and men will try to control that,” Wolf concluded. “Don’t let them.”

“Abortions are super common” and “the stigma is bullshit. She praised the original slogan for the women’s movement, “abortion-on-demand”, and “that’s exactly the way it should be. As easy as pushing the on-demand button in the middle of your remote to order Paddington 2,” she said.

Even if you agree with the premise, is this a joking matter, something to celebrate? Celebrating the brutal practice of partial-birth abortions?

With each vulgarity and each comment, her sparse audience roared. At the end of her show, she marched out in a brightly-adorned American flag leotard shouting, “Women, if you need an abortion, get one!”

Why celebrate killing life? We recognize there are reasons to abort a child, but it is not a reason to be happy and make crude jokes — ever. These people are the Nazis.

If you can handle her grating voice, very vulgar comments, and unfunny dialogue listen:


They are streaming softcore child porn and are under investigation for it. It’s revolting. These are the same people pushing multiple genders irrespective of Biology.

Netflix is being investigated for streaming a film called ‘Desire’ which has a long scene with child pornography. It’s not an outlier. Hollywood wants to normalize this type of garbage. Parents need to be very careful about what their children are watching. Don’t entrust your children to Hollywood.

According to PJ Media, an Argentinian movie that Netflix offers called ‘Desire’ is upsetting subscribers because of what looks like illegal content. Viewers on Facebook have shared a clip of the movie and are calling it outright child porn. In the opening scene, two little girls who look to be about seven and nine are playing “horse” on pillows. The older girl begins to obviously masturbate as the younger child watches. The camera even takes this scene into a closeup of the child’s face in slow motion, moving up and down and panting like a porn star. The scene is graphic and includes an orgasm. The film is directed by Diego Kaplan.

The film is rated  TV-MA, which is defined by the FCC as: “These programs are intended to be viewed by mature, adult audiences and may be unsuitable for children under 17.”

These ratings need to be reviewed. It isn’t just about the audience, these children are being exploited.

There is some backlash and hopefully, the investigation will address this. It’s a sad commentary on our society and our entertainment media.

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