New UK Text Teaches Children As Young As 7 to Show “Respect” for Terrorists


The sister of the Manchester bomber who killed 12 children and another 10 innocents at an Ariana Grande concert had something to say about the bomber.

“He did what he did in revenge, and in love for Islam,” said Miss Abedi. “I think he saw children – Muslim children – dying everywhere, and wanted revenge. He saw the explosives America drops on children in Syria, and he wanted revenge.”

The illogical argument is one that is popular with the radical left, which includes radical Islamists. It seems many buy into it. In fact, the UK has a teaching aid that encourages children as young as 7 years of age to “write a letter to a terrorist” so they can understand the motives of the terrorists.

The book, Talking About Terrorism, published weeks before the , describes the indiscriminate mass murder of innocent members of the public as a “type of war”

The idea is to teach children to respect terrorists.

This type of instruction is going on in the United States as well thanks to the communist Zinn Project that seeks to cloud the issue and erase the boundaries between good and evil to such an extent that boundaries do not exist.

Little UK children are told that terrorists believe they are treated “unfairly and not shown respect”.

The book draws moral equivalence between murderous terrorists and the “Suffragettes”.

“Today many people think of them as brave women and admire their struggle for the right to vote,” the book claims.

Some are condemning this book geared to children between 7 and 11 years of age.It invites “children to write a letter to a terrorist. If they could ask a terrorist six questions, what would they be?”

Published by Brilliant Publications and containing a foreword by Peter Wanless, the chief executive of the NSPCC, has been slammed by many critics.The book’s purpose is to have children show “respect” for religious fanatics who want to kill them and destroy their way of life.

“It is part of the “British Values” agenda that is being forced on schools by Ofsted and the educational establishment.

“The primary school classroom is not the place to humanise terrorism by ‘pretend dialogue’,” Express UK writes.

Hillary Clinton also wants Americans to show “respect” for terrorists like ISIS.

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