Not Sending the Cream of the Crop! Gang Enforcer Caught in Caravan


Caravaner turned out to be a vicious gang enforcer, murderer, and drug dealer.

Authorities in the southern Mexico state of Chiapas reported the arrest of a 19-year-old described as a dangerous Salvadoran gang enforcer and a member of the 18th Street gang, according to the attorney general’s office as reported by Heraldo de Mexico.

Amílcar Orlando “N” – also known as “The Junior, Mala Cría or Hellboy,” had warrants out for “aggravated homicide, illegal deprivation of liberty, aggravated extortion, illicit groupings and possession of narcotics.”

He was a fugitive from Salvadoran justice for the crimes of murder, illegal deprivation of liberty, aggravated extortion, and possession of narcotics.

In another case, a judge just deported an MS-13 killer who cooperated with the FBI, and the libs are going wild because they feel sorry for him. He participated in TWO KILLINGS at age 12. Some of these children coming in have already committed serious crimes.

Border Patrol has mentioned it before.

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