NY Times Omits Abbas’s Message of Terrorism and Conspiracy Theories


The NY Times reported Sunday the recent speech by Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority which he directed at the U.S., and if you read it, mostly what you get out of it is Israel killed the Oslo Accords, Trump handled it all miserably, and Abbas rejects U.S. leadership because of President Trump.

According to the New York Times, Abbas also reaffirmed his commitment to non-violence.

That’s not all Abbas said but the New York Times didn’t bother to elaborate on the rest and left the reader without knowledge of Abbas’s actual message. The news outlet preferred their abridged version which made the U.S. President look like a failure while skipping over Abbas’s insane rants, anti-semitism, lies and threats.

The Times ignored Abbas’ conspiracy theories, wild conspiracies, threats of violence and his honoring of terrorists. Abbas even suggested that the six million murdered Jews chose to remain in their homeland during the Holocaust.

Abbas, in actuality, talked of the global conspiracy by Europeans and Jews to steal Palestinian land dating back to Cromwell; called for Trump’s “house to come to ruin”; and paid tribute to terrorists he calls “martyrs”.

To elaborate, we give billions to the Palestinians and they in turn pay terrorists and their families despite the Taylor Force Act passed by the U.S. Congress.

The 82-year old Abbas said, “we refuse to cut these salaries categorically. We will not allow anyone to harm the salaries of the families of the martyrs, the wounded and the prisoners. They are our sons and we will continue to pay them.”

He added: “we pay tribute to all our martyrs, the martyrs and the martyrs of all of us, but today is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Abu Iyad Abu Al-Houl.”

Abu Iyad massacred Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972, and a year later, murdered two American diplomats in Khartoum. He’s a real Palestinian hero.

While these are critical facts, the New York Times ignored them because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Abbas wants Americans to know his alarming beliefs and goals, but the New York Times is telling a different, more sympathetic tale of Palestinian terrorists.

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