Obama Compares Trump to Hitler, Calls for Americans to Disarm


An extremely vicious Barack Obama, who is losing his legacy under this administration, told 2800 leftists in Chicago that we need gun control and then compared Trump to Hitler. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Hitler the one who confiscated guns?

If anyone is like Hitler, it would be him.

At the Economic Club of Chicago, he spewed his acrimonious invective for any America First agenda since globalism is superior in his view.

He said, “…things don’t happen internationally if we don’t put our shoulder to the wheel. No other country has the experience and bandwidth and ideals. . . .If the U.S. doesn’t do it, it’s not going to happen.” He was talking about spreading the wealth.

He was highly complimentary of himself for his good deeds with our money. Referencing, our efforts on Ebola, he said, “We probably saved a million lives by doing that.”

We will never know if that is true.

Obama was raised to be a foreigner, to love Islamists, and embrace communism. There is a great deal of evidence to support this. He is no typical American. He might be more of a typical Indonesian. To him, if you are America First and believe in sovereignty, you are a nativist, an Islamophobe, a racist and a jingoist.

He said the “uneven impact” of globalization has come too quickly to be absorbed in many cultures, bringing strange new things and people to areas in which “people didn’t challenge your assumptions.” As a result, “nothing feels solid,” he said. “Sadly, there’s something in us that looks for simple answers when we’re agitated.”

Uh, no, Barack, it’s simply that we see it for what it is — the old communism as a New World Order. We absorb it you arrogant fool.

He complained about McCarthyism because communists definitely didn’t like McCarthyism. Actually, it is the left that is guilty of McCarthyism today.

Obama compared President Trump to a despot and called Trump’s striving for freedom – tyranny. Laughingly, he said, “what I understood was the principle that the free press was vital.”

Obama and his ilk have corrupted the press.

Obama said the danger is “grow(ing) complacent, we have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly.”

American democracy is fragile, and unless care is taken it could follow the path of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, he warned.

The article was written for Crain’s by political blogger, Greg Hinz.

“Sixty million people died…” he reports Obama said. “So, you’ve got to pay attention. And vote.”

On Twitter, Hinz called Obama’s comments “remarkable”.

Obama ended by telling Americans to disarm. He said that his greatest “regret and disappointment” was the failure to enact strict gun control.

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