Paul Ryan Is Retiring Next Year!


Speaker Ryan doesn’t have much of a fan base among conservatives but he has gotten over 308 bills passed which is nearly 300 more than Mitch McConnell. Maybe he knew they wouldn’t pass.

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One source told The Washington Times earlier this week that Mr. Ryan was telling confidants that the tax-cut bill was his chief goal, and if Congress can finish it this year the speaker will conclude his work is done.

Rep. Ryan still wants to attack poverty.

He said in the next budget the GOP writes in 2018 lawmakers will try to tackle the looming surge of government spending on Social Security, Medicare and other entitlement programs, and the imbalance in the economy of a shortage of people willing and able to work to support those programs.

“Let’s change our welfare laws so we push and pull people out of poverty and into the workforce,” Mr. Ryan said. “Next year is going to be the year that we work on people. Next is is going to be the year we work on getting people into a better life.”

Ryan’s poll numbers in Wisconsin aren’t great. He would likely lose to the Democrat. Don’t feel badly, he will undoubtedly get a lucrative job offer.

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