PC Loons, Bad Decisions Might Force the Boy Scouts Into Bankruptcy


The Boy Scouts have been around for over a hundred years, but in just a few years, the PC despots are destroying the organization. First, the tyrants told them to take gay and confused gender children – fine. Then it was the gay scout leaders – okay. After that, they made them take girls – ridiculous. What is it about ‘boy scouts’ that confuses the PC police?

They have these children marching in parades with LGBT flags. Why? That’s a message that concerns sex. The kids should only sport the U.S. flag and the Boy Scout flag.

Several social justice decisions by the organization, including the re-naming of the Boy Scouts to Scouts BSA to let girls join have significantly damaged the organization.

If you bow to the left, they will not stop. PC leftists are relentless and destroy everything they touch.

The 108-year-old organization may be seeking bankruptcy protection amid a significant decline in membership and a financial hit due to legal costs in dealing with sex abuse violations, according to the Wall Street Journal.

They are constantly being sued over sexual assaults kept under wraps.

The Church of Latter Day Saints dropped them after a decades-long relationship.

Chief Scouts executive Michael B. Surbaugh noted the group’s “financial position” in a letter obtained by People magazine.

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