Poland Has a $1 Trillion Response to EU for Demanding Refugee Fines


Poland has refused to take their quota of refugees or any refugees for that matter. As a consequence, Germany has instigated a legal case against them that will result in large fines. Poland has responded by demanding $1 trillion in reparations from Germany for their role in the destruction caused by World War II.

They plan on seeking reparations from Russia as well.

Poland has had it with the globalist agenda. When the EU formed, it was only intended to be an economic union. But now they are dictating the sovereignty of nations into oblivion. Germany isn’t invading Poland this time, they simply want to force an invasion by migrants.

Why should any nation have to take refugees according to the whims of some suits in Brussels?

The European commission has launched a legal case against Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for refusing to take in refugees.

Poland’s foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski

According to Quartz, refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Eritrea will be redistributed under a formula that considers a country’s population, GDP, unemployment rate, and the average number of asylum applications it has processed in the past.

Denmark, Ireland, and the UK can opt-out of the plan, while Greece, Hungary, and Italy are exempt because they are on the frontline.

For the rest of the EU, if a country refuses to participate, it must pay a steep fine. Technically they can charge for each refugee they refuse to take. Poland has already suffered under first, Nazi rule, and then Communist rule. They’re done with it.

Poland has responded by demanding WWII war reparations from Germany of $1 trillion.

Poland’s foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski told local radio station RMF that “serious talks” were needed with Germany to “find a way to deal with the fact that German-Polish relations are overshadowed by the German aggression of 1939 and unresolved post-war issues.”

He said Poland’s material losses were about $1 trillion, or higher.

Polish defense minister Antoni Macierewicz also accused European critics of trying to “erase” the fate of the Poles at German hands during the war “from the historical memory of Europe”. Germany he says is “shirking” its moral responsibility.

Poland’s administration rejects the 1953 resolution by Poland’s former communist government which dropped any claim to reparations from Germany.



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