Porn Star Stormy Could Take Down President Trump Says Prof Turley


Stormy, the slutty porn star claims to have had a one night stand with the President twelve years ago. She appeared on SNL to tell the cheering audience of baboons that Trump has a storm coming his way. As it turns out, that’s possibly true.

George Washington Law School professor Jonathan Turley said if anyone in the Trump team tried to influence witnesses in the Stormy Daniels case, it is a much clearer shot to an obstruction of justice charge in the Southern District of New York.

“It is possible that a porn star could take down a president, if the president’s not cautious”, Professor Turley said. He said it on Face the Nation Sunday and again on Morning Joe. He also wrote about it.

The payments to Stormy made by his personal attorney Michael Cohen and repaid by Trump have been described as an ongoing retainer. This is despite the President having said prior to this that he didn’t know anything about it.

“The investigation has been in the field. They have a search warrant referring to the payments of stormy Daniels. Any effort to influence witnesses, withhold evidence, produce false narratives could be the obstruction case that has so far evaded Robert Mueller,” the Professor said.

Firing Comey was within the President’s constitutional authority and that won’t be the reason for the charge.

CBS reported: “While Turley agrees with the Trump legal team that the president does not have to comply with a subpoena from Mueller, ‘he just has to be willing to pay the consequences’ and could very well be indicted while in office.”

Turley also said Mueller will ultimately be victorious if he issues the subpoena. Nixon and Clinton tried to fight it and it didn’t work out well.


Eric Holder said back in March that Robert Mueller is going to take down the President on an obstruction charge.

As Professor Turley said at the time: “There is some irony of the prediction coming from Holder who was rightfully voted in contempt of Congress for his own obstruction of a congressional investigation into the outrageous “Fast and Furious” operation.  He was not prosecuted because the Obama Administration refused to submit the case to a grand jury.”

Perhaps Holder knew more than we thought.

Get ready for a constitutional crisis if Mueller takes down Trump over a tramp.

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