Profound Flaws of DACA That Politicians Don’t Want You to Know


DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, was intended to help wartime and poverty-stricken children from other nations brought by their parents. Barack Obama turned this humanitarian effort into one more open borders initiative.

Some senators said they would not make a tax reform deal unless DACA was included. One of those senators was Jeff Flake and another was Bob Corker, both incredibly unpopular with their constituents. Flake is allegedly the one who got welfare in the form of tax credits for DACA put into the tax reform bill.

DACA encourages more illegal immigration. It certainly did during Obama’s eight year reign. Contrary to media reports, there are 1.9 million DACA, not 800,000, and once given amnesty, they will bring in an average of 7 more foreigners per person

The 1986 amnesty did the same thing and is responsible for the Third World state California now appears to be.

There was only perfunctory vetting of DACA. In February 2017, after the arrest of a DACA beneficiary for gang membership, the Department of Homeland Security admitted that at least 1,500 DACA beneficiaries had their eligibility terminated “due to a criminal conviction, gang affiliation, or a criminal conviction related to gang affiliation,” according to The Daily Signal.

By August 2017, that number had surged to 2,139.

There are likely many more because Obama loosened the screening procedures and 800,000 flew through the process in only months.

Additionally, DACA only excluded individuals for some convictions. Even if a Homeland Security background investigation—which apparently was almost never done—produced substantial evidence that an illegal alien might have committed multiple crimes, the alien would still be eligible for DACA unless Homeland Security referred the violation.

Misdemeanors and some felonies were ignored. Gang affiliations were not checked and the applicants’ social media were not reviewed.


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