Industry of Refugee Resettlement Is About Cheap Labor, Not Humanitarianism


Brigitte Gabriel gives message from Act for America.

What do you think? Is this true? Globalists insist it’s not.

Brigitte Gabriel of Act for America gives what she says are the facts about refugee resettlement . She calls refugee resettlement an industry for the importation of cheap labor which has nothing to do with humanitarianism.

Most refugees are on some kind of welfare, she says, which makes anyone employing them eligible for the Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

Manufacturing, food and hotel industries are enjoying cheap labor at the expense of the US taxpayer and social and cultural upheaval as well as looking for potential votes.

We are importing terrorism. We’ve had ten convictions of refugee terrorists. The rich Middle Eastern countries won’t take them in because they are afraid of importing terrorism, so why are we?, she asks.

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