Retreat Founder Promotes Segregation, No Passports for White People


At the “Women of Color Healing Retreat” in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica blacks get a “break” from white people, Daily Caller reports. The report from Vice News notes that it “specifically banned white people.”

It’s an anti-Trump, anti-white “break”.

The founder, Andrea X, says white people – white Americans – shouldn’t be allowed to have passports or travel.

“I have no tips for a white person,” she said. “My tip to white people is to let us have our space, let us have our room, and go hang out with other white people. We’re okay. You know, you’ve done enough damage.”

Andrea X also says that she “decided one day to just eliminate white people from my personal life” due to “microaggressions” and “passive-aggressiveness”.


She said black people are “dying in America” and need to form their “own safe spaces in America”.

They call segregation a “safe space” from whites and they say they are not seen as people by whites. They go to the retreat to talk about this.

She said white people “have done enough damage”. Are blacks totally innocent then?

But they’re not bigots?

I don’t want to be segregated from black people. I like them. It’s just wrong. What say you?

They believe all the lying hype by Democrats and left-wing media about all whites being white supremacists, unfortunately. They now look for bigotry in “microaggressions” that likely don’t even exist. You can watch the video here.

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