Texas Bans Unconstitutional Aspects of Sharia Law, Terror-Tied CAIR Protests


It’s still the USA in Texas!

Texas state legislators in the Lone Star State passed a version of the much debated American Law for American Courts (ALAC) bill, HR45, banning Muslim Sharia law within Texas.

The Texas Foreign Law Procedural Protection Act is heading for the governor’s desk!

Sharia law is in direct conflict with our U.S. Constitution. This legislation will ban those aspects of Sharia that conflicts, including child marriages and other “family law” cases.

It has come under fire from radical pro-Muslim groups.

The Center for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) dubbed it “anti-sharia,” and encouraged citizens to protest it.  On their website, CAIRTexas,com, they list the names and phone numbers of representatives they want people to call to complain.

The terror-tied organization claimed HR45 is “designed to negatively impact Muslims’ civil rights and to demonize their faith.  We believe it aims to prevent Muslims from practicing their faith in areas such as Islamic marriage, divorce, funeral procedures and civil agreements.”

Their civil Sharia puts women at a grave disadvantage in all those areas.

This is how the Muslim Brotherhood works to manipulate the populace from within.

It provides for only American laws to be used in American courts.

Banning the implementation of foreign, and specifically sharia law isn’t a new concept. Similar bills have been introduced in 13 other states this year alone.

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