Trump To Limit Path to Citizenship for Aliens Who Collect Welfare


The Trump administration is finalizing a plan to make it more difficult for legal immigrants who have used certain welfare programs — including Obamacare, children’s health insurance, and food stamps — to obtain citizenship or green cards, according to NBC News.

AXIOS calls it a “hardline policy”. It matters, they say because the administration is scaling back legal immigration. The immigration would eventually be cut in half according to them because it would cut chain migration and move to merit-based migration.

The administration never said they were cutting the total number of legal immigrants, just changing who is eligible. The President wants to limit legalization of aliens on welfare recipients to protect the American taxpayer.

The message he wants to send is we want immigrants who plan to contribute to the United States.

A draft of the plan described to NBC News shows the administration could prevent immigrants living legally in the U.S. who have used Obamacare, children’s health insurance and food stamps, among other benefits, from obtaining citizenship. Using Social Security Insurance already made it harder for immigrants to get legal status.

White House senior adviser Stephen Miller is spearheading the proposal, which NBC said would not need approval from Congress.

Activists said it could affect 20 million immigrants.

If we have 20 million legal immigrants on welfare, we are doing something wrong!

The NY Post reported that if we cut welfare to illegal aliens, we could pay for Trump’s wall.

The media is angry because they apparently want us to go broke supporting foreigners, but a lot of people responding on social media are happy about it.

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