Unhinged Commies Laud DNC Chair Perez as He Screams “Republican’s Don’t Give a Sh*t About People”


Obama’s secretary of labor Tom Perez screamed before a crowd in Newark, New Jersey this past week, “Donald Trump, you don’t stand for our values. Donald Trump, you didn’t win this election!”

Obviously Trump did win the election, but this is the new irrational, hard-left Democrat Party. Perez is the newly-elected Chairperson. The Obama-Hillary comrade was well-received by the room full of communists, socialists and other statists.

These hard-left types don’t believe in the electoral college because they don’t want to live in a Republic, but Trump won it handily.

Later in his speech, Perez added that he doesn’t “care” if people take issue with his speech, just like how “Republicans don’t give a sh*t about people.”

This is who the Democrats are now. They spew hate.

He bases his comments on Republicans wanting to get rid of Obama’s expensive and unsustainable healthcare program.

The Working Families Party was founded  in 1998 by members of ACORN. ACORN itself is technically extinct though it morphed into a web of state ACORN organizations using various names. The party is closely tied to Hillary Clinton and uses populist rhetoric to hide who they really are.

The Working Families Party denounces “the stupid and cruel [capitalist] economic policies that are destroying cities and communities” with “corrosive inequality” and promotes wholesale wealth redistribution.

Perez, a hardcore Marxist, promised to be a nightmare and he is.

Perez lied about his family history, is hard left, and will bring the Democrat Party to the furthest left fringe.

  • Perez lied about his family history in order to further a political narrative of public service.
  • His grandfather, who he says spoke out about the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, actually represented and defended the tyrant in Washington for five years before he eventually headed into exile.
  • Perez will take the DNC even further to the left-wing fringes.
  • Perez is a radical on immigration, having prosecuted Border Patrol agents and served on the board of a radical group to help Central American illegal immigrants.
  • Perez is a radical on racial issues, having used disparate impact theory to assess civil rights and discrimination cases. Perez also dropped the DOJ case against the Black Panther Party for voter intimidation because he doesn’t believe that civil rights laws can be race neutral.
  • Perez used his private e-mail 1,200 times to conduct official business – taking a lesson from his party’s failed presidential nominee.
  • This is a good time to remember how Perez wanted to label Bernie Sanders a racist. Perez and the DNC worked together to undermine Bernie Sanders.

Leftists are angry, crazy people.

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