University of Arizona Uses Tax Dollars to Hire ‘Social Justice’ Snitches


A help-wanted ad on the University of Arizona website has been removed after bad press this past weekend.  The position was for ‘Social Justice Advocates’ whose job it would be to further the left-wing cause, in part, by ratting out fellow classmates guilty of prejudice or simple micro-agressions.

Micro-aggressions include referring to someone as a “guy” [a micro-aggressions against women allegedly] or wearing dreadlocks while white.

The position was to:

  • Create an environment that enables Residence Life student leaders to dialogue around topics related to diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice.”
  • Promote inclusive communities through positive interactions and increase resources available for staff on topics relating to diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice.”
  • Report any bias incidents or claims to appropriate Residence Life staff,” and “confront diversely insensitive behavior.”

The successful applicant would also hold educational programs about “the mosaic of diversity, multiculturalism and inclusivity” and maintain “social justice bulletin boards” in student residence halls.

To report any “insensitive behavior” pays reasonably well at $10 an hour for at least 15 hours a week on the taxpayer dime.

Also included in the job description:

“The position also aims to increase understanding of one’s own self through critical reflection of power and privilege, identity and intersectionality, systems of socialization, cultural competency and allyship as they pertain to the acknowledgement, understanding and acceptance of differences. Finally, this position intends to increase a student staff member’s ability to openly lead conversations, discuss differences and confront diversely insensitive behavior.”

“So, let’s get this straight,” wrote Tom Knighton of PJ Media on Wednesday, as one example of bad press. “The university takes money from students and the Arizona taxpayers and funnels it toward a social justice Gestapo whose primary function seems to be a combination of social justice secret police and indoctrination activities, and this is supposed to be a good thing?”

University officials told Phoenix New Times the title would soon be changed because the term ‘social justice’ is politically charged. In other words, they will do what the left always does and hide what they are doing with some euphemistic title.

While the student won’t be recorded, the school officials will contact the student.

The position aims to “increase understanding of one’s own self through critical reflection of power and privilege, identity and intersectionality, systems of socialization, cultural competency, and allyship as they pertain to the acknowledgement, understanding, and acceptance of differences.

That is critical race theory and white privilege, both of which are anti-white, racist ideologies.

Though all receive the same instruction regardless of their beliefs, the university official told Phoenix New Times, “Our goal is not impose a belief on students,” Sweeton said. “It’s simply to expose them to an idea. It does involve a lot of self-reflection. They’ll be trained on some areas in terms of self-identity.”

The enlightenment will be forced on people.

“In a global economy and multicultural society, we think it’s important that people know how to engage in conversations like this,” he said.

Totalitarian governments always have people spy on one another.

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