University of London Cupcakes “Kant” Stand White Philosophers


Cupcake students at the University of London demand white philosophers including Plato, Kant, Bertrand Russell, Descartes and others be dropped from university syllabus according to the Daily Mail. They have what they think is a good reason – the philosophers are white!

Plato, too white
Plato, too white

Student union at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) insists the majority of philosophers on the course should be from Africa or Asia. It ‘s a leading center for the study of the Middle East, Asia and Africa.  The reason they give is they want to “decolonize” the “white institution”

Immanuel Kant, a very white person
Immanuel Kant, a very white person

Philosopher Sir Roger Scruton blasted them for it and called them “ignorant”.

Prof. Sir Roger Scruton
Prof. Sir Roger Scruton, also white

“This suggests ignorance and a determination not to overcome that ignorance, Sir Scruton said. “You can’t rule out a whole area of intellectual endeavour without having investigated it and clearly they haven’t investigated what they mean by white philosophy. If they think there is a colonial context from which Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason arose, I would like to hear it.”

Rene Descartes, white
Rene Descartes, white

The vice-chancellor of Buckingham University Sir Anthony Seldon said, “There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some might like it to have been.”

That’s a quote from Bertrand Russell.

Entitled “Decolonising SOAS: Confronting The White Institution”, the union’s statement of “educational priorities” warns “white philosophers” should be studied only “if required”, and even then their work should be taught solely from “a critical standpoint” such as studying them within the colonial context.

Ali Habib, Co-President Democracy & Education
Ali Habib, Co-President Democracy & Education

Ali Habib is responsible for the SOAS statement. He is an admirer of Frantz Fanon a Marxist who wrote about revolutionary anti-colonialism.

Bertrand Russell, he's white.
Bertrand Russell, he’s white.

A wider camp is calling for the removal of a statue of “imperialist” Cecil Rhodes from Oxford.

Political correctness, a thought crime, is cultural Marxism and it’s deadly serious in its intent.

The staff at SOAS Student Union is in the screenshot below. Looks like they need some diversity -they need some white people.

Staff at SOAS
Staff at SOAS


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