Why Do Jews Vote Democrat


by Carol Besner

It’s an embarrassment when non-Jews perplexingly ask me why my people vote Democrat.  They are dumbfounded!

What is the answer:

(1) Stockholm Syndrome (side with your oppressor);

(2) Fear: underlying unconscious survival strategy;

(3) Need for love: linked to Inferiority Complex (knowing throughout millennia, they’ve been reviled);

(4) Cognitive Dissonance (person’s belief clashes with evidence);

(5) Trump Derangement Syndrome; putting hatred of Trump ahead of what is good for country;

(6) Not good at forecasting;

(7) Ancestral/Religious Ideology?

If Jews can’t get some major therapy because “timing is of the essence,” just know how dumb, delusional, and denial-based you appear to the rest of the world.

They [still] know your people were murdered in a Holocaust and can’t fathom how even that doesn’t wake you up!

Oh, and by the way, if you do go into therapy, chances are your liberal JEWISH bleeding heart tikkun olam (repair the world) social justice warrior social activism psychologist will understand exactly how outraged you are because THEY have the above afflictions, too.

When I asked some psychologists and psychiatrists what they would do if patients came to them who were ardent Trump supporters; I’ve heard: “GET RID OF THEM!” Isn’t this a violation of The Canon of Ethics? Does it conflict with their Hippocratic oath? I guess their ideology supersedes their obligations to their patients.

Any Jews motivated by goals to improve oneself – stop your denial of the Farrakhan-Phenomenon (Have any Jews publicly protested how offended they were/are by his anti-Semitic words, actions, and pure evil hate?) so, Sarsour, Ellison, Sanders, Tamika Mallory, Ilhan, Tlaib, Clinton, Sharpton, Obama, Hillary, Schumer, Deutsch, Frankel, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Sheriff Scott Israel, Ocasio-Cortez (notice Jews in the pile?) and their ilk NEED NOT condemn him because all the Democrat Jews consistently pull the lever and gift them Carte Blanche to their ultimate destruction.

You can take your sanctimonious fake news morality and bury it with the piles of ashes of the Jewish victims of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Chelmno, and Sobibor, and if our enemies have their way, the piles of ashes of new Jewish victims will be forthcoming because it is YOU who legitimize every Jew-hater out there. With friends like YOU, we don’t need enemies.

Shame on YOU!

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