Actor Robert De Niro joined comrade Michael Moore in an hour-long Trump-bashing podcast of hate, vulgarity, and nonsense. They apparently have nothing else to do. The two just threw out insults against Trump, Republicans, and Trump followers who need to be “enlightened” like them. They didn’t back up a thing. There was no substance.
They just exude hate and spread hate while claiming the right are the haters.
These two morons spent an hour on this hate speech. Listen to it yourself on this link if you don’t believe me.
De Niro, 76, went off on President Trump during Moore’s podcast, Rumble with Michael Moore. He called Trump a “pig” and a “disgrace to the human race.”
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That’s the usual, along with him saying he wants to punch him in the face.
Moore joined in, saying, “It would feel kind of good to punch him. Not hurt him. Just punch him in the face,” said Moore. “Just cathartic.”
That’s when the deranged De Niro said, “I’d like to see a bag of shit right in his face. Hit him right in the face like that, and let the picture go all over the world. And that would be the most humiliating thing.”
He added, “He needs to be humiliated. He needs to be confronted, and he needs to be humiliated by whoever his political opponent is.”
Here’s the clip where he says he wants to see him humiliated and he’d like to throw a bag of sh** in his face.
De Niro just wants him “torn down” somehow.
About impeachment, De Niro said, “The people have to see that. For him to be humiliated,” De Niro said.
They don’t like Sen. Lindsey Graham, Mick Mulvaney, or Rep. Kevin McCarthy either.
“For the Republicans who have fallen in line with him … I don’t understand that,” De Niro said. “It’s a disgrace. It’s beyond a disgrace. Shame on them. Shame on all of them.”
If you don’t agree with these two leftists, you’re a disgrace.
DeNiro has alienated half the country and it’s hard to see how his movies make the money they have in the past. People used to go to his movies because he was in them. Now he’s someone to avoid.
His Netflix movie bombed. That’s his future.
The creep doesn’t like Fox either and said, “f*** Fox,” claiming they give Trump his “marching orders.”
De Niro’s in “despair,” “doesn’t feel safe,” and Trump has “no good intentions.” Trump’s a “fool.” Trump has nothing “redeeming,” and it’s “beyond a disgrace.”
Republicans “have a duty to stand up to this guy.” The two Hollywood clowns said they “don’t know what to do” about Trump. De Niro says he “knows what’s right” and thinks Trump’s followers are just uninformed. His followers need to learn by people who are more “enlightened,” said the arrogant has-been. [Enlightened like him — he has at least a 70 IQ.]
Trump followers have stuff “pumped in their heads,” Moore said, and their hope is they can “reach their children.”
These two nutjobs think they are the majority, not the minority oddballs they are.
Moore also said he’s not sure Trump will leave the presidency after a second term, and De Niro said that’s true.
Apparently, these two don’t like a good economy or low unemployment. Their so stupid, they said he’s “Mussolini.”
Can we have them arrested for hate speech? They said not one thing to back up any of their accusations. It was pure hate and acrimonious invective.
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