“As of oligarchy so of tyranny … Both mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.” Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, part x
The Second Amendment is the only Amendment that comes and goes, depending on the state you are in. The right to self-defense ends at one’s doorstep in some states but not in others.
Shall we also lose our First Amendment in the same way? Oh, wait, that has already happened. Conservatives do not have free speech in Berkeley. Freedom of Religion is also subject to the whims of people who hate religion as is the right to protest.
The left has the momentum going to gut the one Amendment that assures we keep the others.
Once one amendment falls, they all fall. The latest consideration is to take the right away based on age.
Shall we tell hunters, farmers, competitive shooters they can’t start until they are 21 years of age since one disturbed man was neglected by the system, including the FBI?
Shall we not have our right to privacy until we are 21 then as well?
There is no way the left will be satisfied with the ban on bump stocks or the tightening up on background checks. With more than 300 million guns in the country, they want to ban them all and make felons of the owners.
That would be quite a boon for the illegal gun trade.
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The left relies on the mob and the children currently protesting just might be enough to provide justification for the mob. Who doesn’t love children and who doesn’t have a broken heart over the 17 lives lost last week at the hands of a mad killer? Humanitarianism is always an effective excuse for taking away one’s rights.
The case of District of Columbia vs. Heller determined that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
In the Heller case, we were one vote away from losing the Second Amendment. In the dissenting opinion, Justice Stevens said, “There is no indication that the Framers intended to enshrine the common law right of self-defense in the Constitution.” He has also said at other times, we have the right to call “911.”
Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says your right to self-defense in your own home should be limited to a cellphone “at your bedside.”
The McDonald case worked hand-in-hand with Heller. The majority ruled in that case that states cannot unreasonably restrict the right self-defense.
Once we lose this Amendment, they will all fall.
The bump-stock discussion came up with the Las Vegas shooter that few seem to care much about. We have no real answers for that crime, but the Democratic Party has not asked questions.
Nothing will ever satisfy the left until and even after we are all enslaved by their ideology.
After the Vegas slaughter, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said, universal background checks would save lives, but “many other things” would have to be done as well. It would only be the beginning.
As far as bump-stocks are concerned, the Obama administration approved them. No one can quite understand why he did. The ATF said they didn’t have the right to regulated them.
The NRA has said they would like to see bump-stocks heavily regulated.
A bump stock takes the place of the gun’s shoulder rest with a “support step,” which covers the trigger opening. When the shooter pulls the trigger, the recoil causes the gun to “bump” the trigger again. It turns a semi-automatic into a poor excuse for an automatic, which are banned since 1986.
Bump-stocks don’t even work well.
Bump stocks are a rapid-fire gismo that can be duplicated using a simple belt. The left would love to eliminate all rapid-fire devices. The danger in that is it could lead to an end of magazines. The President has to be careful with this ban.
The left is going after rifles, like the AR-15. All they have to do is call it an assault rifle and much of the country thinks it is so.
Rapid-fire devices are also used in competitive shooting and they are used in law enforcement.
The left sees no need for a Second Amendment, but they are the same people who continually violate our rule of law and call the Constitution an “old piece of paper.”
In the end, there will be no end for the control freaks of the left. It won’t stop with guns. These are people who want to jail people for disagreeing with them on climate extremism.