4 Tech Giants Use Leftist Hate Group to Silence Conservatives, Religious


When I started analyzing the dwindling viewership on my site, I realized that Facebook and Amazon were working in concert. Their algorithms have a limit on how many views and hits I get on Facebook and I find the site hidden on Google. The reason I mention this is because The Daily Caller explained that one of the unifying forces that ties them all together is the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC].

They are all working together with the same algorithms and targeted sites.

“We’re trying to wreck the groups, and we are very clear in our head, this is – we are trying to destroy them . . . as a political matter, to destroy them,” Potok stated on video.

There is nothing ‘Southern Poverty Law’ about them – it’s a minnomer. They couldn’t care less about anything but their own ideology which includes destroying Christianity and Conservatives. They routinely label those groups as hate groups. Their blindness to hate groups on the left is clear. Once in a while they recognize something as obvious as The Nation of Islam.

Bezos’ Amazon Smile is not allowing Christians to collect from the charity and they just shut down the partnership with ‘Legal Insurrection‘, a very legitimate website. They don’t want conservatives to make enough money to pay staff.

The following comes via Fox News:

Amazon, Google, Twitter and Facebook all work with or consult with the SPLC. Spokespeople for Facebook, Amazon and Google confirmed a relationship with the SPLC. This comes via Peter Hasson of The Daily Caller. Twitter declined to comment but told the Caller the company is “in regular contact with a wide range of civil society organizations and [nongovernmental organizations].”

Even Obama gave up working with them.

“Jeff Bezos’ company grants the SPLC broad policing power over the Amazon Smile charitable program, while claiming to remain unbiased,” Hasson wrote.

Amazon’s Smile program allows customers to donate a percentage of proceeds to various charities and the SPLC determines which charities receive the cash, according to the Caller, which reported last month that a prominent Christian legal group was barred from the Smile program, while openly anti-Semitic groups were allowed to participate.

The Southern Poverty Law Center bills itself as a civil rights organization that is “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry, but it was accused by Politico in 2017 of “overstepping its bounds.”

“Critics say the group abuses its position as an arbiter of hatred by labeling legitimate players ‘hate groups’ and ‘extremists’ to keep the attention of its liberal donors and grind a political ax,” Politico’s Ben Schreckinger wrote.

To take down groups, the flaggers use digital tools to mass flag content for review. Then the partners guide YouTube in designing algorithms policing the video platform.


The SPLC spews vile hatred towards anyone on the right. You might remember how they went after Dr. Ben Carson and the Family Research Center. Their lies about the latter preceded one lunatic, who read the SPLC’s deceitful write-up, to go to their meeting and try to kill everyone with a rifle. LGBT Floyd Corkins shot up the conservative Family Research Council headquarters in August 2012. SPLC put the Council on the “hate map” and Corkins said that is why he decided to kill them all.

In February, we posted The Daily Caller report that YouTube used SPLC to police content on their platform.

It’s one of more than 100 groups flagging in the YouTube “Trusted Flaggers” program.

The SPLC and other program members help police YouTube for extremist content. This ranges from so-called hate speech to terrorist recruiting videos.

The anti-Defamation League is another leftist group hunting down so-called hate speech.

To take down groups, the flaggers use digital tools to mass flag content for review. Then the partners guide YouTube in designing algorithms policing the video platform.

The overwhelming majority of the content policing on Google and YouTube is carried out by algorithms. The algorithms make for an easy rebuttal against charges of political bias: it’s not us, it’s the algorithm. But actual people with actual biases write, test and monitor the algorithms.

The algorithms are anti-right-wing. There is little transparency and we don’t know what goes on in their bigoted little world of censorship.


Forty-seven prominent Conservatives signed on to a letter warning the mainstream media away from data compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). SPLC has admitted they fake “facts” and their only goal is to destroy the targeted right-wing groups.

Founded in 1971, the SPLC gained fame by successfully prosecuting legal cases against white supremacist organizations, including the Ku Klux Klan. It describes its mission as “fighting hate and bigotry and … seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society,” Fox News noted.

Two years into the Obama administration, they started putting Christian groups and other normal people, even victims of radical Islam like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and religious Christians like Dr. Ben Carson, on their hate group lists.

The Conservatives’ letter put the MSM on notice. The MSM are endangering the lives of people with the hate group’s fake facts. SPLC admitted they use fake facts.


Southern Poverty Law Center chief Mark Potok has said, “Sometimes the press will describe [SPLC] as monitoring hate groups and so on. I want to say plainly that our aim is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.”

“We’re trying to wreck the groups, and we are very clear in our head, this is – we are trying to destroy them . . . as a political matter, to destroy them,” Potok stated on video.

Potoks hate group map isn’t accurate, he stated on video.

Potok decides what is fact and then uses them as facts. Mr. Potok admitted that the SPLC’s efforts to “destroy” certain organizations is achieved by making purported “factual assertions.” He said, “And the way we learned to [destroy these groups], I think is personally cool, is we use facts.”

The SPLC’s designation of certain nonprofit organizations as “hate groups” is based on the SPLC’s determination of what is fact. Its assertion of the “hate group” label is thus a purported statement and representation of fact.

The Southern Poverty Law Center listed former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson in the “hate” category for his stances on marriage and biblical morality before public outrage made them withdraw the label.

Three years ago, the FBI dropped the Southern Poverty Law Center as a source for identifying hate groups. In March 2016, the U.S. Justice Department accused the Southern Poverty Law Center attorneys of “lack of professionalism” and “misconduct” for falsely characterizing the Federation for American Immigration Reform and the Immigration Reform Law Institute as “hate groups.”

Maajid Nawaz, a moderate Muslim who opposes jihad extremism, says he is also suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for defaming him and his organization, the London-based Quilliam Foundation.


The SPLC has a $300 million endowment that allows them to abuse their political enemies.

Laird Wilcox is founder of the Wilcox Collection on Contemporary Political Movements at the University of Kansas’s Kenneth Spencer Research Library.  He is a leading expert on “extremist” organizations. He has identified the false, misleading, and destructive nature of the SPLC’s “hate group” designations.

Mr. Laird has noted that the SPLC has gone into “ideological overdrive and has developed many of the destructive traits that characterize moral crusaders, including the demonization of critics and dissenters.”

Mr. Laird stated that the “hate group” designations reflect a “kind of selective attention and biased reporting” that “simply illustrates [the SPLC’s] unscrupulousness.”

He continued in testimony in a lawsuit by Liberty Counsel against Guidestar. He said it is “pretty hard to deny that the SPLC is a political operation that is trying to tar right-wingers and conservative Republicans.” Id. (emphasis added).

Mr. Laird also noted that “[t]he dirty little secret behind the SPLC is that they actually need racial violence, growing ‘hate groups,’ and more racial crime to justify their existence and promote their agenda.”

Mr. Laird concluded, “When you get right down to it, all the SPLC does is call people names. It’s specialized a highly developed and ritualized form of defamation, however—a way of harming and isolating people by denying their humanity and trying to convert them into something that deserves to be hated and eliminated.”



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