Brian Kilmeade reported on Fox News during the Tucker Carlson show that the White House has freed up eight billion dollars for the border wall. He will have 1.375 billion from the open borders spending bill, 600 million from the Treasury forfeiture fund, 2.5 billion from the Department of Defense, and 3.5 billion from the military construction budget.
Kilmeade said he just got off the phone with Mick Mulvaney who confirmed that Trump would definitely be declaring a National Emergency.
Our deep concern is with the severe restrictions put into the border bill. Five key areas, currently being flooded with illegal aliens, are off-bounds, including the heavily trafficked area by The National Butterfly Center.
Continues language allowing only fencing designs in use as of 2017 and prohibits construction on sensitive environmental areas such as the Bentsen-Rio State Park, the National Butterfly Center, the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge, La Lomita Historical Park, and the Lower Rio Grande Wildlife Refuge between Brownsville, TX, and the Gulf of Mexico.
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Other areas will have walls if low-level officials in border towns agree. The officials in many of these areas are tied to cartels since cartels control the border.
Another problem is anyone can be a sponsor or a POTENTIAL SPONSOR of a child and many aren’t minors — they lie about their age and we don’t require proof of age. Sponsors and whoever they are accompanying — minors and their entire families — cannot be considered for detention and detention proceedings cannot be initiated at any time.
The entire world just had the welcome mat thrown out for them and the word is spreading. This is a great bill for traffickers.
When the President goes to build the wall using emergency powers, he will meet only resistance and the Democrat Socialist media will hammer him as a dictator.
It is not all about the wall. We need more security in general, including more border guards, more ICE agents, more detention beds. And what we don’t need is more humanitarian aid and lawyers for the people coming illegally.
More importantly, we need the laws attracting them to change. We don’t need another law built into a spending bill that allows amnesty for sponsors and everyone they bring into the country.
Illegal aliens count toward the census and towards representation in the House. The Democrats’ first bill in Congress, HR1 mandates that illegal aliens be included in all future redistricting.
It is clear that Republicans are not supporting the building of a border wall and Just so you know. The goal of Democrats is no wall anywhere and open borders.
Democrat Beto O’Rourke says he wants to knock down the existing border barriers on the southern border
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: “If you could, would you take the wall down now? Knock it down?”
O’Rourke: “Yes, absolutely. I would take the wall down.”
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 15, 2019
According to the New York Times, Trump did not want him to sign the bill.
According to The NY Times, Trump did not want sign the bill, Mulvaney told him to sign a short-term CR instead and it was McConnell and Nielsen who pushed him to sign. McConnell said it didn’t contain any poison pills (lie) and that it was a win over Pelosi (lie)
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) February 15, 2019
The only person doing anything is the President, but is it enough? Our next article will deal with very offensive allocations in the bill.
Take the poll at the end.