About that election, Soviet Nancy says “the voters are not going to decide”


On Thursday at her weekly press briefing, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the American people were “not going to decide” if President Donald Trump should be impeached.

The reporter asked when the voters get to decide and Pelosi said, “The voters are not going to decide whether we honor our oath of office. They already decided that in the last election.”

When asked about the impeachment timeline, Pelosi said:

“I keep saying to people, impeachment is about the truth and the Constitution of the United States. Any other issues that you have, disapproving of the way the president has dealt with Syria, whatever the subject is, reluctance, the cowardice to do something about gun violence, the cruelty of not wanting to help our Dreamers and transgender people, the denial about the climate crisis that we face, the list goes on, that’s about the election. That has nothing to do with what is happening in terms of our oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution and the facts that might support. And we don’t know where this path will take us, it could take us down further path but the two are completely separate.”

All of that is so annoying. To just take one point about the Dreamers. The President tried to give them all amnesty and the Democrats wouldn’t even negotiate.

Getting to the real point, however, Nancy is saying Democrats and their sham impeachment committee will decide if he is impeached and makes it to the next election, voters had their chance in 2016. Listen:


They are running a Soviet-style secret impeachment process with a small group of people, marginalizing the Republicans in the group, depriving the President of all his civil rights, turning the constitution upside down, and hand-picking what they will leak while adding their interpretation to it.

As Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton tweeted about the impeachment inquiry, “It has all the hallmarks of a coup attack. Secrecy/speed/rolling over the rights of the accused, etc. It was all corruptly formed as a result of illicit communications between the whistleblower & Schiff.”

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