Actor James Woods tweeted five words that describe Rep. Maxine Waters perfectly. You can see that at the end of this post, but, first, her credentials, that help her earn the credits.
The Advocate boasted in an article yesterday about The New Divas which included Maxine Waters, the “rock star” of the Democrat Party. They salivated over her recent performance before Congress where she interrupted Steve Mnuchin numerous times as he tried to answer questions at a hearing. They said she “sliced brilliantly”.
Many would disagree and say she looked mad.
The Advocate claims “the politician brilliantly challenged the white patriarchy ruling Washington” and praised her “fearlessness at calling for Donald Trump’s impeachment”. She is, they wrote, the “heroine of this frightening new age”.
They must admire race-baiters.
Maxine continually calls all her opponents racists which makes her a race baiter. She is racist herself. It was Maxine who supported the three black men who beat a white man, Reginald Denny, an innocent white truck driver they dragged out of his truck as he drove unknowingly through the LA riots years back.
The fearless one said Tuesday that black women are “going to be very key” to removing President Trump from office.
“Black women, because we have evolved with strength and voting power and economic power, this is a special moment in the history of black women,” Waters told The Root during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference last week. The Root posted her comments on Monday.
“And I think we’re going to be very key in helping to set this country right and to make sure that this president does not remain president.”
She’s obsessed with getting him impeached.
After the interview with The Root, Waters accused Trump of being a white supremacist, arguing that his campaign “dog whistled” to white voters in a strategic effort to win votes.
She is provably corrupt. CREW listed Maxine as the most corrupt member of congress in 2005, 2006, and 2009 and on and on up until the present day. Waters is one of the few members of Congress with a record of unethical dealings that can compare with Hillary Clinton’s, CREW wrote.
That’s how she lives in a multi-million dollar house [outside of her impoverished district] and became a millionairess working as an ineffective public servant.
Actor James Woods described her succinctly in five words. Who could say it better?
This is the embodiment of the Democratic Party: snarling, misinformed, vitriolic, never satisfied, contemptuous of every value we hold dear.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 30, 2017
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