Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff Had the Wrong Number


Horowitz is coming! In only two more days, we get to see the power of the Creep State in action. Fixer Michael Horowitz will come in with a report that shows all the miserable things the creeps did, and after 500 pages of that, his conclusion will whitewash all of it, if past is prologue.

We can’t wait, but in the meanwhile, we have shifty Schiff to talk about.

AT&T and allegedly, the NSA, gave Adam Schiff — a creative writer for all things Russia and Ukraine — Rudy Giuliani’s phone logs. Rudy is the President’s personal attorney. Nice hit on attorney-client privilege.

The logs showed that OMB (Office of Management and Budget) and Rudy spoke for 13 minutes. Adam Schiff said it proves OMB and Rudy spoke, proving that he was lobbying to deny Ukraine aid. Proof?

There was one teensy problem though. The number could belong to anyone in the White House, and OMB says no one talked to Rudy.

White House officials say Schiff had the wrong number.

The 395 prefix that Schiff thinks belongs to the OMB belongs to a lot of phones in the White House.

That’s what Schiff, shifty Shiff, calls “proof.”

“This is not about Ukraine. This is about our democracy, this is about our security,” Schiff said during a press conference after releasing the committee’s impeachment report. “Americans should care deeply about whether the president of the United States is betraying their trust in him.”

Get your story straight buggard.

Schiff really hates any type of collusion with any foreign entities…unless he’s the one doing it.

Listen [we love the Brighten Beach, Brooklyn reference, so authentic]:

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