Africans Flooding a Shelter Only 482 Miles from Upper East Side of Manhattan


WKBW, Eyewitness News 7 reports that the Jericho Road Community Health Center has seen a 250% increase in refugees [illegal alien Muslims] coming from Africa in 10 days. They are flooding a shelter in freezing cold, depressed Buffalo.

We were kidding about the Upper East Side. The rich don’t like shelters there.

The ‘refugees’ fly from Africa to Brazil then go north through Mexico and into the United States.

As an aside, did you notice the left can make this about ‘refugees’ now since the Congo is a hellhole?

They just keep flying into our country of all the countries they could pick in the world. It couldn’t be planned, could it? Nah!

They are coming from everywhere and being sent to depressed areas, not where the rich live. They can’t speak English, have no skills, lots of dependents, and they are mostly unemployable in an area that suffers from unemployment. They will compete with poor Americans for jobs in companies looking for cheap labor.

Thank a Democrat.


“This is a relatively new phenomenon from anything I can tell,” said chief program officer Anna Mongo. “Rather than going to camps and coming (into the United States), people are figuring out ways to come here directly and essentially ask for asylum after they’re here.”

Mongo admitted, “These are not people who are wasting time with the system, it’s well known that refugees are coming from the Congo.”

They have over 140 from the Congo in this one shelter so far.

They need your help since the Upper East Side of Manhattan didn’t offer to take them in. The center is in need of money for operating costs, specifically food.

You can use the Amazon wish-list to send items, or if you are able to bring fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, even fresh (non-pork — since they are all Muslims) meat over — donations are being accepted. You can send the shelter money if you want.

The lawyers already started the refugee approval process. There are refugees from all over the world who could get refugee status under these guidelines.

If they are poor refugees, where are they getting the money to fly here with their ten children in tow? Hopefully, they’re not warlords or terrorists. All we can do is pray.

Thank a Democrat.


The Hill reports that Democrats no longer call the President’s concerns about the invasion of illegal aliens a “manufactured crisis.” Chris Coons even said it wasn’t the best phrase to use.

So, you see, they weren’t lying their fool heads off, they simply used the wrong phrase.

They call it a “humanitarian” crisis and are willing to give $4.5 billion in aid, mostly to address the needs of the illegal aliens.

In exchange, they want aid restored to the far-left nations who have allowed this surge/invasion in the first place.

A bipartisan deal on the border is imminent, but don’t expect too much. Hopefully, we will be pleasantly surprised.

We need a wall and we need laws that are not open borders laws, but Democrats and some Republicans won’t do it.

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