Al Gore Says You’re a Denier If You Disagree In Any Way With His Climate Decrees


In Al Gore’s first film, An Inconvenient Truth in 2006, a High Court in the UK was concerned  about it being shown in schools since it had nine “significant” errors. His new film does as well.

One of those claims was that the sea levels could rise by 20 feet in the near future due to the melting of ice in Greenland or the west Antarctica ice sheet. The judge of the High Court ruled it “distinctly alarmist”.

Ross Clark writing for The Spectator interviewed Al Gore and did his homework before, checking on sea levels.

He contacted a noted expert, Shimon Wdowinski, associate professor of marine geology and geophysics at the Florida International University. The professor has studied the flooding problem in Miami. He described the issue as far more complex than Gore presents in his films.

Armed with information, the author asks Al Gore if he has been in touch with Professor Wdowinski.

Gore immediately responds: ‘Never heard of him — is he a denier?’ Then, as the writer continues to make the point, Gore starts to answer before directing it at him: ‘Are you a denier?’ When the writer says he is sure that climate change is a problem, but how big a one he didn’t know, Gore jumps in: ‘You are a denier.’

The author found the interpretation of the word ‘deny’ ‘strange’ and as he tries to say that, his PR team moves in to say time is up.

It didn’t end there.

On the way out, a frosty PR woman says to the author: ‘Can I have a word with you?’ He wasn’t supposed to ask difficult questions, she says, because ‘this is a film junket, to promote the film’.

As the author writes, if Gore questions oil companies weighing in on climate change, shouldn’t Gore have to answer for his involvement in Generation Investment Management, a fund which invests heavily in green energy? That was his next question.

You might want to read the article on this link next which proves sea levels have fallen for almost two years.

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