ALIPAC Sounds a Warning of Border Deal as Amnesty TROJAN HORSE


Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) claims the new border deal contains secret amnesty provisions for illegal immigrants [especially those who have committed crimes].

They write that Conservative Americans are being kept entirely in the dark about the secret Amnesty provisions for illegal immigrants being negotiated behind closed doors by the conference committee on the budget deal bill that must be voted on by this Friday, February 15, 2019, to avoid another government shutdown.

A House Democratic aide told The Associated Press Republicans had already agreed to fund cuts that would require ICE to ramp down the number of detention beds to a range of 34,000-38,500 by the end of the year. ICE currently detains about 49,000 immigrants on average per day.

But a proposal to cap at 16,500 the number of detainees caught in areas away from the border — a limit Democrats say is aimed at preventing overreach by the agency — ran into its own Republican wall.

Shelby said that was worked out.


“ICE is being asked to ignore the laws that Congress has already passed,” said agency Deputy Director Matt Albence on a media call organized by the White House. “It will be extremely damaging to the public safety of this country. If we are forced to live within a cap based on interior arrests, we will immediately be forced to release criminal aliens that are currently sitting in our custody.”

According to ICE figures, 66 percent of the nearly 159,000 immigrants it reported detaining last year were previously convicted of crimes. In 2016, President Barack Obama detained around 110,000 immigrants, 86 percent of whom had criminal records, according to ALIPAC.

Democrats have been open about wanting criminal aliens, guilty of misdemeanors or non-violent felonies, to remain in the country. They have said they want beds reduced by not holding minor criminals in detention.

On the other hand, if the President doesn’t sign it, the economy will start to suffer greatly.

ALIPAC calls it a secret amnesty deal, and they are concerned about the secrecy of the bill and suspect it is an amnesty trojan horse.

CNN has reported the President will sign the deal, but the President has sent out another message this morning that he is in no hurry to sign it, according to Fox News’s John Roberts.

Senator Lindsey Graham said the President is concerned about limitations that Democrats might put into the bill, such as not allowing him to build barriers where he wants or restricting him from increasing detention beds.

Rep. Lee Zeldin explains:

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