by Linda Goudsmit
The recent events at Evergreen College would make a great Saturday Night Live skit if they weren’t so serious and such an alarming portent of future social chaos.
Academia trains the future leaders of society – if colleges and universities are breeding racist anarchist cry-bullies instead of thoughtful leaders who can listen to other points of view, the future for America is tyranny of thought and totalitarianism.
The racist and infantile demands of the Evergreen students expose the childishness of cry-bully functioning.
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Like two-year-olds screaming “I WANT WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT” these student outbursts create cognitive dissonance for any rational adult watching. There is a sense of unreality that “this cannot be happening on campuses in America” – but it is happening all over the country at colleges and universities where cry-bullies have gone wild.
What is the source of their tantrums? Why are they being tolerated by the “adults” in charge? What is the purpose of cry-bullying outbursts?
The complete self-absorption of infants and young children is an expected condition of infancy and early childhood.
There is no “other” in their consciousness – they operate on the narcissistic principle of self. When that narcissism is advanced into adulthood it is not only shocking it is dangerous.
Early childhood is distinguished by its narcissism and society’s acceptance of that narcissism because growing up is a process and early childhood is the beginning of the process.
The first sign of emotional development is the baby’s recognition of “other.” The baby begins to recognize his mother/caretaker as separate from himself. The baby learns that if he cries mother will come to him. As he gets older the child realizes that he is dependent upon the care of the “other” and the child only experiences ”other” as existing to meet his/her own needs.
Only when the child begins to understand that “other” exists as a separate self who is as important as his own self as the child is to himself can the concept of reciprocity develop and ethical living begin.
What is so stunning about the behavior of cry-bullies on campus is their complete unawareness of “other.”
Their infantile narcissism keeps them insulated in a prism of self. They do not see the staggering hypocrisy of ordering all white students and faculty off campus.
If all black students and faculty were ordered off campus the cry-bullies would go wild screaming RACISM!
Cry-bullies do not see the hypocrisy of demanding respect when they behave so disrespectfully. If professors started screaming and swearing at them the cry-bullies would go wild demanding SAFE SPACES! Cry-bullies do not see the hypocrisy of demanding no homework at an academic institution.
The long-term consequences of a narcissistic perspective advanced into adulthood is that it is self-destructive. Thought precedes behavior. If an individual thinks like a child he/she behaves like a child.
Childhood is distinguished by its powerlessness. Thinking like a child produces a victim mentality of blame and powerlessness that creates cry-bullies and temper tantrums instead of self-actualized adults capable of rational thought and constructive effective change.
The question is WHY would the “adults” in charge submit to the childish demands of a two-year-old? Why do ineffectual parents submit to the demands of their two-year-old?
Some are simply intimidated by the cry-bullying. Some are emotional children themselves and actually support cry-bullying. Some want to ingratiate themselves to the cry-bully and be their friend. Some are Leftists promoting anarchy.
No matter what the motive, submitting to the demands of a two-year—old whether that child is chronologically two or emotionally two is a flawed strategy for the survival of a democratic America.
Parents need their children to grow into emotional adulthood and society needs its citizens to become emotional adults.
A society of children is not sustainable – it will eventually collapse or be challenged and taken over by a society of adults. This is why the social chaos created on campus and advanced into society by the graduating cry-bullies is so dangerous.
Social chaos is the condition necessary to collapse American democracy and replace it with socialism -> internationalism -> globalism -> and ultimately one-world government ruled by the globalist elite. Social chaos is the agent of change for anarchists.
American campuses need an adult in charge to fend off the infantile demands of its cry-bully students. America needs adults an charge to fend off the infantile demands of the left-wing liberals promoting anarchy and the victim mentality of identity politics.
American universities are the canary in the coal mine.
Candidate Hillary Clinton famously said that they (Democrats) need a public that is unaware and compliant. Unaware and compliant are the conditions of childhood. Children are powerless and can be exploited and controlled – exactly what Hillary wanted.
When Hillary was unexpectedly defeated the Left went into overdrive to delegitimize, destabilize, and destroy Trump’s presidency. The “resistance” movement lead by EX-president Barack Obama is an attack on American democracy.