On Monday, Fox ‘News’ Shep Smith cut into the President’s speech to fact-check him on live television. He always exudes anger when he talks about the President. He has TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump promoted his administration’s environmental record, which would have been fine before the left went off the rails into the Green New Deal and overly-restrictive Clean Air, Clean Water, and Clean Power Plans. Shepard Smith interrupted his speech to say those policies have been “widely criticized by [left-wing] environmentalists and academics.”
The Trump-hating Fox News host cited a New York Times report that found that more than 80 environmental rules and regulations have been repealed and/or rolled back, including multiple regulations regarding drilling, air pollution, and wildlife.
He mentioned a few like the loosening up of the Clean Power Plan. A lot of the rules are misnamed, incorrectly using the words, ‘clean’ and ‘protect.’ Shep also didn’t mention why they were overturned and what they actually did, which was slow the economy.
Those regulations were killing business and deliberately destroying the fossil fuel industry. Shep seems to love the Clean Power Plan and all of Clinton’s and Obama’s suffocating regulations and reporting requirements.
Over the weekend, Trump complained that watching Fox News is “worse than watching low ratings Fake News CNN” and MSNBC, then later took at dig at Smith for hosting “by far their lowest rated show.”
The left is calling him a liar for saying it’s the lowest rated, and while it isn’t the lowest rated, it is the lowest of the regular daytime shows except for Fox&Friends First which comes on at 4:00 in the morning. Shepard does not have a lot of viewers but the left claims he’s the most popular host and criticisms of him by Trump supporters are characterized as homophobic rants by the gay community since Shep is a gay leftist.
Smith beats out CNN in his time slot but almost nobody watches CNN anymore. They average well under a million viewers and their top show is under a million.
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During the day, Fox [not Fox&Friends] leans left with Democrat ‘strategists’ running out the clock during their news/opinions shows and at night, their opinion shows are conservative. Their business shows are mostly conservative.
CNN and MSNBC news shows are all opinion but claim they are news.
Trump is right when he complains about the changes at Fox. It’s becoming a new kind of CNN or MSNBC while remaining smart enough to keep the nighttime hosts that make them profitable. Fox is choosing a downward path for its future.