Anti-Trump Foreigner Christopher Steele Insults the U.S.


Former British spy and all-around buttinsky, Christopher Steele, the author of the anti-Trump ‘dossier’, characterized U.S. governance as “distorted and one-sided.”

In an email to Vanity Fair magazine, Steele urged the media to hold our government “accountable.” Why doesn’t he watch his own government or that of his Russian friends?

Vanity Fair highlighted him on their 2018 New Establishment List.


“In these strange and troubling times, it is hard to speak unpalatable truths to power, but I believe we all still have a duty to do so,” Steele wrote to Vanity Fair editor in chief Radhika Jones. “I salute those on your list, and otherwise, who have had the courage to speak out over the last year, often at great personal cost.”

“At a time when governance is so distorted and one-sided, as I believe it currently is in the United States, the media has a key role to play in holding it accountable,” he added.

We don’t know if anything is one-sided because the DOJ/FBI are obstructing justice and hiding information.

All we know so far is there is no sign of collusion or obstruction. As far as he is concerned, U.S. governance is none of his business.

What we do know is this arrogant foreigner butted into U.S. affairs, probably lied under oath, and he should now shut up and get lost.

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