Antifa Speaks from His Hospital Bed As He Recuperates from Being Hit in the “NoNo”


Pepper balls speaks.

Oh gee, the Antifa guy, who was hit in the “tiddlywinks” or “NoNo” (as he calls them) with what he says was a pepper spray canister, spoke from his bed to encourage other Antifas to fight on against the Nazis. The Nazis he speaks of are the police who were being assaulted with urine-filled bottles, rocks and gas canisters at the Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona.

That is believed to be satire. We don’t really think he went to the OB/GYN. However, his getting hit in the nuts was not satire.

Watch the best video replays of the anonymous Antifa being hit in the nuts after kicking a gas canister at police.

This one has WWE dialogue dubbed over.

This next one is to Celine Dion.

Last but not least is Whitney Houston.

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