AOC demands US make a lifelong commitment to foreign kids here illegally


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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for a “9/11-style commission” to investigate child separation on the border with Mexico on Saturday. She claims the U.S. government has a life-long responsibility to children it separated from their illegal alien parents as they were arrested, to provide them with mental health support. [Not the parents? Where is their responsibility for dragging these kids here with gangsters?]

Speaking at an immigration town hall in her home district, the New York, communistic Democrat also called for the abolishment of the Department of Homeland Security and blathered on about the how Donald Trump should be impeached.

It “chills me to my core”, she said, to think about the impact Trump administration immigration policy has had on the lives of thousands of children.

She didn’t mention the children who were raped or died on the way up to the USA.

“Even if you separate a kid from their parents for two days you have already created lifelong-lasting trauma,” Ocasio-Cortez said, speaking to about 250 people at the Nancy DeBenedittis School in Corona, Queens.

For two days???

The body she was proposing, she said, would work “just like the 9/11 commission did when they said what went wrong?” before the terror attacks of 11 September 2001.

She’s comparing illegal aliens coming illegally to 9/11?

“The 9/11 commission,” she said, “they were charged with the investigating and making sure they dug out every nook and cranny of what happened and how it happened in our system. And I think that that kind of study is what’s going to be required in order to reunite as many children with their parents as possible. That’s the work that we have to do.”


She is actually proposing three commissions: 1. U.S. Commission on Hurricane María (she is still pretending the administration didn’t do everything possible for the people of PR), 2. U.S. Commission on Child Separation, 3. U.S. Commission on Reparations.

If we don’t send these foreigners here illegally back home, they will be among our most entitled population thanks to these communists and their upside-down values and brainwashing.

Dan Crenshaw addressed it:

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