What do Democrats do when their policies fail? They put more of them in place and they make sure they are further left. A perfect example is Stockton, California, a bankrupt, crime-ridden city. The town fathers decided to give some residents a universal basic income.
Starting this month, 130 residents of Stockton, California, with a median income at or below $46,033 will receive a debit card with $500 for the next 18 months that they’re free to use at their own discretion. It’s a pilot program.
What could they possibly think that will do? It’s ridiculous.
It’s called SEED – the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration.
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This is more than welfare, it’s Communism, and it’s a terrible precedent.
Obama pushed universal basic income in Africa. Obama used his flowery language to put lipstick on this pig:
“It’s not just money that a job provides. It provides dignity and structure and a sense of place and a sense of purpose,” Obama said. “So we’re going to have to consider new ways of thinking about these problems, like a universal income, review of our workweek, how we retrain our young people, how we make everybody an entrepreneur at some level.”
Bloomberg pushed it, and Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison is a big supporter, as are Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. Kamala Harris wants us to pay other peoples’ rents, as does Cory Booker.
Make no mistake, this isn’t even Socialism, it’s Communism.
Basic income undermines the labor part of the free market. The way it’s being defined makes it an entitlement. It’s another welfare package. It’s centralized big government and gets in the way of the individual exercising his/her individual rights. The result will be more government dependents.
People who are productive will have their income stolen to redistribute to these people who will become entitled.
The government would be in complete control and pick winners and losers. It will further erode the taxpayer base. We already live in a country where only 53 percent pay federal taxes; illegals collect income tax credits on taxes they never paid; and the rich who pay an overwhelming amount of taxes are expected to pay more — maybe even 90 percent.
The major flaw, the most devastating, is the effect that it would have on the individual. It would rob people of the dignity of work and independence. UBI makes people their chattel.
Eventually, this would be the norm, the expectation, and it would never be eliminated. As chattel, people lose personal freedom, hope, and power and become a member of the collective, nothing more.
National Review has a good article on the subject.
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